On today's blog we are going to talk about fatherhood. Being a father is an important role but as we know in the media, shows, and movies they are portrayed very badly and differently. I have a few things I want to talk to you guys about. The role of a father is diminishing: There are so many concerns in the world that the role of the father is fading away and when you think about it there is some truth to this point. As I had mentioned, fathers or just fatherhood in general is portrayed so badly but not on the media take a second and think about the shows or movies you watch, how are fathers portrayed? Exactly they portrayed as lazy, foolish, irrelevant, immature, and just plain dumb and it is scary to think, fathers are just as a big as mothers what is the role? That leads me to my next point. What is the role of the father? Fathers as we know are the head of the house and by that I mean that they are the protectors, providers, role m...