
On today's blog we are going to talk about fatherhood. Being a father is an important role but as we know in the media, shows, and movies they are portrayed very badly and differently. I have a few things I want to talk to you guys about. 

The role of a father is diminishing:
   There are so many concerns in the world that the role of the father is fading away and when you think about it there is some truth to this point. As I had mentioned, fathers or just fatherhood in general is portrayed so badly but not on the media take a second and think about the shows or movies you watch, how are fathers portrayed? Exactly they portrayed as lazy, foolish, irrelevant, immature, and just plain dumb and it is scary to think, fathers are just as a big as mothers what is the role? That leads me to my next point. 

What is the role of the father?
    Fathers as we know are the head of the house and by that I mean that they are the protectors, providers, role models, and teachers to further explain each one: fathers are the protectors in the sense that they make sure everyone is safe and they do not allow harm to be brought unto the family or into the home. Fathers are the providers in a way that they make sure that everyone has everything they need for just about anything or in other words they bring in the money to make sure the bills are paid and that their families have enough. Fathers are role models because they set the example, their children look up to them and expect to be safe and understood. Last but not least fathers are teachers because they teach with love and care. Fathers put their families above everything, families to them come first. 

Why is the father important?
    Fathers are  important just like mothers because they have that special effect on their children in a developmental way. Children look to their fathers for many reasons and some are: comfort, love and discipline, they look for that feeling of security in a physical and emotional way. Fathers bring that happiness and fulfillment. 

To go into this topic a little deep on why they important I want to separate the it and talk about why they important to both their sons and their daughters.

Why are the fathers important to their sons?
    We know the reasons why fathers are important and we know the role they play, but I ask again why are they important in a young mans life? Fathers as I have mentioned before are examples and teacher, in the eyes of those young men they are the heroes of the story and they want to grow up and be just like them, they look up to their fathers but what exactly does that mean? They learn how to be respectful, caring, responsible, present, appropriate and thats it okay to fail and get back up and try again.

Why are father important to their daughters?
    Young girls depend on their fathers for security and emotional support, fathers show how they should be treated and what a healthy relationship should look like with a man, meaning that they will look for those loving and caring qualities they saw within their own father as well as looking for how she should be treated, They teach them how to have confidence in very type of way

From personal experience my father was always example to me and seeing that I always able to see the importance of his role in the family and in my life, I was able to realize how important it is to have that father figure, please note that I am not downgrading mothers, they deserve an award for all of the amazing hard work they do, for nurturing us and guiding us. With this blog I am showing some appreciation towards all the hard working fathers out there that do not get enough credit. My father is a wonderful man who works so hard, he is one the biggest examples I could have ever asked for. He taught me so much. He taught me to have confidence, to be responsible, to have courage, to have strength, and to work hard. There was many time I wanted to give up on things and he just would not let me if anything he pushed me to work harder and get things done. Everything I have and everything I am I owe to both of my parents who pushed me to always do my best, I owe it all to them for molding me into the person I am today and I know deep down I could not have done anything without them.


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