Parenting Styles

On today’s blog we are going to talk about different parenting styles. Have you ever wondered how you want to parent or how you will parent? Well today I want to talk about the five main parenting styles which are: Permissive, authoritative, neglectful, authoritarian and Helicopter parenting. 


Starting with permissive: the common traits are

  • It is child - driven 

  • Almost rarely enforces any type of rules 

  • Tries to always avoid conflict with child

Permissive parents are more likely to take a friendrole, rather than a parenting role. They are loving and warm. They let the child call the shots and allow them to do whatever they want with no rules and expectations. Another thing about permissive parenting is that parents don't have nor want the control, meaning that children have complete freedom to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes hoping that these lessons may stick and the child will learn something better than simply having rules. 

The second is authoritative: The common traits are 

  • Solves problems together with child 

  • Sets clear rules and expectations 

  • Open communication and natural consequences 

Authoritative parents are nurturing, supportive and have often tuned with their children’s needs. They teach and guide their children through open discussions to teach values and reasoning. Parents who are authoritative towards their children notice that their children tend to become self-disciplined and can think for themselves. 

The third is neglectful: The common traits are  

  • Uninvolved or absent within the child's life

  • Provides little nurturance and guidance 

  • Indifferent to child's social-emotional and behavioral needs 

This parenting style can also be referred to as the uninvolved parenting, this style is an overall sense of indifference. Neglectful parents have little to no engagement with their children and almost implement rules. Parents can also be seen as cold and uncaring. 

The fourth is authoritarian: The common traits are

  • parent-driven 

  • Sets very strict rules and punishments

  • It is always one way communication, with very limited consideration of the child's social emotional and behavioral needs

  • Often says “Because I said so”when the child questions the reasons behind any rule or consequences that are given. 

  • Set extremely high expectations and most definitely expect their children to meet them and this happens almost every single time. 

  • They don't encourage open communication 

This parenting style has the use of stern discipline or in other word “tough love” to get any attempt to get, have and be in full control. Parents with this style often talk to their children without wanting feedback and or input. 

The fifth is Helicopter Parenting: The common traits are 

  • Trying to find a way to control all the situations 

  • They lack confidence within the child meaning that they think their child lacks the ability to handle situations as a whole 

  • They are constantly offering guidance to their children 

  • Jump in to solve their children’s problems

This parenting style is known for parents who tend to hover over every aspect of their children's life. All the way from what friends they have to what they eat to what they do during their freetime. But even though they hover they tend to think they are acting out of love and concern because they want what is best for their child. 

These 5 types of parenting styles are common but now that you have read and learned a bit more about each parenting style does it make you think a bit more on the type of style you would want to use? 

This is a big topic you have to want to discuss with your significant other, for example my husband and I come from two different families that parented in two different ways, we both have shared the ways we were parented and we both have shared the things we want and do not want to implement into our parenting styles so we have compromised and what not and it has been super interesting to see how we want to parent alongside each other.


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