Family Trends and the Impacts of those Trends

 Have you as a person ever wondered what family trends are or the impact they may have? In our world today there are many trends and I want to share a few with you. The trends we see here today are delay of marriage, delay in having children, cohabitation, etc. but the one I want to focus on is delaying marriage.

In an article I read "Four Reasons Why People Are Getting Married Later in Life" by Martha Stewart she gives four reasons on why marriage is getting delaying. The first reason is that there more independent, and career driven people, when you think about it people in the world today aren't focused on getting married or having children, they are more focused on where they want to take their career and what they want to do in life. The next reason is that people are using labels and titles less and less meaning that people don't like labeling their relationships. It can also mean that people dont want to enter that traditional stage, commitment, and responsibility of marriage. The third reason being seen is that couples are picking to live one another before marriage. I feel and think that people get comfortable in that stage of cohabitation to the point where they don't see the importance of marriage or taking the steps necessary to make that commitment, they view it as a causal temporary move. the last reason I came across was how high divorce rates are, which when thought about can be a scary thing but because its can be scary thing to view it makes people approach marriage with caution making them want to wait longer then normal to make that commitment. 

Now that we have discuss the family trends, lets talk about the impact this family trend can have. From what I can think of there are many ways this trend can make an impact. I want to talk about four of these impacts delaying marriage can have. The first one is sex before marriage which can cause a greater a issue if neither individuals are ready. The second impact that it may have is losing the desire and what happens when you lose that desire? You get comfortable and don't feel the need (or desire) of taking the steps needed to make the commitment. So, what happens if you dont have the desire and you get comfortable? You end up with lack of  commitment from both parties which brings to me my last impact and that is having open relationships. All these impacts have some type of connection and combined created one big impact. 

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