Family Rules, Traditions, and Customs
All around the world there are so many families that have different rules, different customs, and different traditions. although there are families around world with different rules, let us go smaller and take a look at our own families or even our friend's families. what are some rules, customs, or traditions you may have within your own family?
Have you ever wondered why families rules, customs, and traditions are important and why we still tend to follow them at times outside of home? in an article I read on the website "" it talks about why these things are important, to sum it up it says that having rules, traditions, and customs give a type of security and belonging we need, it something special and something that is done together.
Family rules and what not have been drilled into our heads growing up and I think that is why we continue to follow them even when we are away from home. Take a moment to think about a rule, a custom, or a tradition that your family does, now if you are away from home do
you continue follow such rule, custom, or tradition? I know after awhile it becomes a habit but sometimes being away can change things.
Family rules, family traditions family
customs all come from our families, and they make us who we are, those rules, traditions,
and customs impact us in ways we did not know because as I had said before its
drilled into us, it is something we are used to, it is things that can be implemented
into our future families if we want them sometimes they can be good rules and
sometimes they can be rules we just want to change.
When you leave home to get married,
go to college, etc. you can either see yourself keeping up with those rules and
traditions or you can see yourself letting them go. Families all over the world
keep or let go of traditions or rules that had or have and it is not always a bad
After growing up and leaving home myself I can
see much growth and I see and take things under consideration on how I want my
family to be, there are many things I do not want implemented within my own
family that was implemented when I was growing up and that is not bad thing.
I want to share a family rule with
you that family does, every year during General Conference for church we had a
rule to wear Sunday clothes no matter if we were home and it was something we
did every General Conference and since I have been away from home, I haven’t really
followed that and I do at times feel weird or bad went I don’t wear Sunday clothes
during General Conference. Another weird rule/tradition we were not allowed to
listen or watch movies on Sunday unless it was church related and being away
from that has really changed and it is not a bad thing, but it is something I don’t
do as often, family rules and traditions can change over time sometimes it is
for the better.
Overall family rules, customs, and
traditions changed, forgotten, or kept, make a list of things you do and things
others do and compare the two, see how different your family custom, traditions,
and rules are from others around you. I think you will be surprised at what you
come with.
Ex: I did this with my husband after living with
his family I compared the different things my family did to his and my list was
long like one I want to share with you was: my family for the life of it does
not have family dinner time, everyone just goes to their rooms but with his
family it was rule to have family dinner at the dinner table together so I always
found that weird but seeing it now it is something I want to implement into my family.
Here is the link:'re%20important-,Family%20rituals%20give%20you%20and%20your%20children%20a%20sense%20of,comfort%20children%20in%20unfamiliar%20circumstances.
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