

Hello and welcome back to my fabulous blog,             

On today’s blog we are going to talk about gender, I know this topic can be a very hard topic to talk about for some of us, but I want to share my thoughts on this topic in a way that everyone reading this will feel comfortable.

Have you ever asked yourself why the difference is between a male and female? Why is that important? In the world today we tend to overlook gender some have their own meaning on what gender is and others really don’t care. So, what is the difference?

Males and females can be like, but they can also be different in matters of what they do, how they act or behave, and how they communicate. I do not want to come out as if I am stereotyping males and females but the point, I want to get across is that both male and female are similar but different in many ways.

Both women and men have different characteristics and different qualities, this might sound very stereotypical, but men are more aggressive, more protective, and more explorative whereas women are more caring, connecting, nurturing, they tend to seek security and they value intimacy above action but that does not mean that men can’t be caring, can’t be more connecting or more nurturing or vice versa. females and males have different expectations.

You could say I am wrong or that you see where I am coming from, I am not one to think that I can do everything a man can do because in all seriousness I just can’t but that is okay, in different cultures each gender both female and male have different expectations, different standards but that does not mean one is greater than the other.

For example In the family women are expected to cook, clean, watching over the kids, etc. and men are expected to be the providers and the protectors that the way it is maybe its different in your family and that is more than okay in my Hispanic/Latino family that is exactly how it was my mother was the one who cleaned, cooked and watched over us while my father provided but he helped around the house and that’s how it is in my little family both my husband and I share chores and do the cooking and the providing.

All I am trying to say is that both genders (female and male) are different but not one is greater than the other. Each gender is assigned a role in family, in relationship, and in a marriage, whatever it may be and we have to abide by that role and know that we were assigned that role for a reason, you as a wife and mother have an obligation to nurture and keep that household on track and you has a father and husband have an obligation to provide and to protect that household because that is role.

I know this topic can be hard but we as females and males have and can have a greater understanding of what our roles are and yes sometimes that roles can change but knowing that we have and can have a a greater understanding can help us with our future family.




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