How does Divorce Impact a Child

 On today’s blog we are going to talk about divorice and how it impacts the children involved. We know divorces can be hard on both spouses but even harder on the children that are involved in the process but how?

Divorce is one hard situation to handle especially for children because of different things they are going to go through but how will that impact them?

On today’s blog I want to  talk about some of the things a child can experience going through this: 

The first one I want to talk about is poor performance in the academics: Divorce can be a difficult situation for all those involved but even a hard situation for the children because they are trying to understand the changes that are occurring within their own family dynamics and that at times can leave the children feeling confused and sometimes eleven distracted and when a child is confused and feeling distracted that can surely make them take a toll in their learning and the way they perform Academically.

The second one I want to talk about is the less social interaction: Divorce can impact the children in social ways, why? Because those children who are facing this situation and have parents going through divorce find it hard to relate with those around them and sometimes it is those situations that tend to make them less social and even tend to make the child think they are the only ones facing this situation.

The third I want to talk about is, children having a  hard time having to adapt to change: With divorce being such a big change it can be a bit harder on the children because they have to get used to family dynamics, having a new living situation, having a new school. Having to make new friends, having to wait to see who they go with during the holidays, hoping that mom and dad can somehow get along during important events in life, etc. 

The fourth I want to discuss is how this impacts the child emotionally: Divorce can and maybe will bring many types of feelings, thoughts and even emotions such as: the feeling of loss, anger, sadness, confusion, they may at feel at fault and have some guilt, sometimes feel a full of anxiety and loneliness and that can be hard that's why sometimes it may be good to consider having someone they can to to make sure they are understanding their feelings.

The last ones I want to talk about are the guilty feelings a child can have when going through this and from what we know in a divorce it can be easy for children to wonder why the divorice is even happening. They come up reasons to try to find the why such as, do mom did still love each other, they start to think if they have done something wrong to make this happen, and that is where the feeling of guilt and the feeling of being at fault can occur within the child and with that being said it can increase health issues such as depression, stress, and many others and a child can only take so much.

In the personally aspect i think that children are more impacted and I feel that at times parents do not see how truly this is going to impact the children i have family who have gone through divorce and with kids it can be hard because the kid constantly asks why mom and dad aren't together and it's sad to see I know sometimes it's the for the best of the two grown individuals but it still hurts seeing the children suffer and face the consequences of the choice of the parents.  


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