
Showing posts from October, 2022

What is Marriage like within a Year?

On today’s blog we going to talk about what marriage is like within the first month and year. We all have expectations or ideas of what marriage would be like because of movies or Tv shows but in all reality, marriage almost always is not what is shown to us in movies or in Tv shows. Marriage within the first month can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be hard thing, because of the things you will have to learn to do within that first month and sometimes It can be a lot not only are you changing your whole routine but your normal will not be the normal you are used to but you will have an all new normal because that routine has added a new person. At times it can be hard because of new changes like changing your name, living with someone new, getting to learn what their individual habits are, what things they prefer and having to share a room with them, and you have to learn how to make decisions together Marriage can sometimes feel like everything is happening all at once

Dating and Hanging out. What's the difference?

Have you ever asked yourself what the difference is between dating and hanging out is? Well in today's blog we are discussing just that, we are going to define both hanging out and dating, we will talk about how each one has changed over time. Let's start with defining dating. So, what is dating? Dating is a stage of romance in which two individuals engage in an activity together and they both have romantic feeling towards one another. Have you ever wondering how dating has changed over the years? back then dating was built on communication, interaction, sense of humor, and meeting someone in a more natural way. Over time dating has changed and it is not exactly what it used to be. In the society today dating relies on technology and social media, if you think about it people look on social media and think they have an idea what dating really is or dating really looks like. People also tend to rely on dating apps such as tender and what not to meet someone instead of meeting so


  Hello and welcome back to my fabulous blog,               On today’s blog we are going to talk about gender, I know this topic can be a very hard topic to talk about for some of us, but I want to share my thoughts on this topic in a way that everyone reading this will feel comfortable. Have you ever asked yourself why the difference is between a male and female? Why is that important? In the world today we tend to overlook gender some have their own meaning on what gender is and others really don’t care. So, what is the difference? Males and females can be like, but they can also be different in matters of what they do, how they act or behave, and how they communicate. I do not want to come out as if I am stereotyping males and females but the point, I want to get across is that both male and female are similar but different in many ways. Both women and men have different characteristics and different qualities, this might sound very stereotypical, but men are more aggressive

Family Culture

 On today's blog I want to talk about culture and what culture means, so what exactly is culture? Culture from what I know can be defined as customs or traditions of people. So, have you ever asked yourself what culture you are creating within your family?  With culture and what I have learned, culture can establish your identity, if culture can establish your identity, what can creating or establishing a family culture do? Okay, but first let us talk about the how, meaning how can we create family culture?  Creating family culture can including many things, in an article I read on gives eight reasons on how to create family culture but I only want to talk about a few. The first way talks about creating an identity for the family or in other words what your family can be known for, The second reason is eating dinner together and talking a to another, the third reason talks about using every excuse to celebrate and party with each other so for example if you or one

Family Rules, Traditions, and Customs

All around the world there are so many families that have different rules, different customs, and different traditions. although there are families around world with different rules, let us go smaller and take a look at our own families or even our friend's families. what are some rules, customs, or traditions you may have within your own family? Have you ever wondered why families rules, customs, and traditions are important and why we still tend to follow them at times outside of home? in an article I read on the website "" it talks about why these things are important, to sum it up it says that having rules, traditions, and customs give a type of security and belonging we need, it something special and something that is done together.  Family rules and what not have been drilled into our heads growing up and I think that is why we continue to follow them even when we are away from home. Take a moment to think about a rule, a custom, or a tradition th