How does Divorce Impact a Child
On today’s blog we are going to talk about divorice and how it impacts the children involved. We know divorces can be hard on both spouses but even harder on the children that are involved in the process but how? Divorce is one hard situation to handle especially for children because of different things they are going to go through but how will that impact them? On today’s blog I want to talk about some of the things a child can experience going through this: The first one I want to talk about is poor performance in the academics: Divorce can be a difficult situation for all those involved but even a hard situation for the children because they are trying to understand the changes that are occurring within their own family dynamics and that at times can leave the children feeling confused and sometimes eleven distracted and when a child is confused and feeling distracted that can surely make them take a toll in their learning and the way they perform Academically. The...