
How does Divorce Impact a Child

  On today’s blog we are going to talk about divorice and how it impacts the children involved. We know divorces can be hard on both spouses but even harder on the children that are involved in the process but how? Divorce is one hard situation to handle especially for children because of different things they are going to go through but how will that impact them? On today’s blog I want to  talk about some of the things a child can experience going through this:  The first one I want to talk about is poor performance in the academics: Divorce can be a difficult situation for all those involved but even a hard situation for the children because they are trying to understand the changes that are occurring within their own family dynamics and that at times can leave the children feeling confused and sometimes eleven distracted and when a child is confused and feeling distracted that can surely make them take a toll in their learning and the way they perform Academically. The second one I

Parenting Styles

On today’s blog we are going to talk about different parenting styles. Have you ever wondered how you want to parent or how you will parent? Well today I want to talk about the five main parenting styles which are: Permissive, authoritative, neglectful, authoritarian and Helicopter parenting.    Starting with permissive: the common traits are It is child - driven  Almost rarely enforces any type of rules  Tries to always avoid conflict with child Permissive parents are more likely to take a friendrole, rather than a parenting role. They are loving and warm. They let the child call the shots and allow them to do whatever they want with no rules and expectations. Another thing about permissive parenting is that parents don't have nor want the control, meaning that children have complete freedom to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes hoping that these lessons may stick and the child will learn something better than simply having rules.  The second is authoritative: The common


On today's blog we are going to talk about fatherhood. Being a father is an important role but as we know in the media, shows, and movies they are portrayed very badly and differently. I have a few things I want to talk to you guys about.  The role of a father is diminishing:    There are so many concerns in the world that the role of the father is fading away and when you think about it there is some truth to this point. As I had mentioned,  fathers or just fatherhood in general is portrayed so badly but not on the media take a second and think about the shows or movies you watch, how are fathers portrayed? Exactly they portrayed as lazy, foolish, irrelevant, immature, and just plain dumb and it is scary to think, fathers are just as a big as mothers what is the role? That leads me to my next point.  What is the role of the father?      Fathers as we know are the head of the house and by that I mean that they are the protectors, providers, role models, and teachers to further expl

Why is Dating even After Marriage Important?

On today’s blog I want to talk about date nights and why they are important to have even after your married. So, why is it important? In a relationship it can be easy to fall in love, but it can also be just as easy to fall out of love but why is that? In a marriage something can get pretty predictable, lives can get busy with work or school, and as sad as it is people get bored and all those things cause people to drift away and part and that romantic spark that once was there fades away but what can we do to stop that? Marriage can be so busy especially if you and your spouse are working and in school and rarely get to see each other. Having date nights is one the best ways that can help you and your spouse connect. Making time for date nights can be a big help within a marriage to keep things spicy and interesting even if its once a week or once every two weeks or for those who are busier ones or twice a month. if you are the one planning the date, make sure to put thought and e

What are The Levels of Intimacy and Why are They Important in a Marriage?

  On today’s blog we are going to get intimate… just kidding but really, I want to talk what the levels of intimacy are and why they are important in a marriage. There are many levels of intimacy whether its emotional, intellectual, sexual, experiential, or spiritual and all these are all important factors when it comes to marriage. Being intimate with your spouse is a great way to strengthen that bond and it keep both you and spouse physically and emotionally healthy. Let’s talk about the different levels of intimacy:          Emotional intimacy: this can occur when both parties feel comfortable with sharing what they feel both good and bad towards one another because it creates a closeness. This is important because it allows you to be more open by really paying attention to what you are feeling and to what your spouse is feeling and not being afraid to open up completely and have that bond and connection.          Intellectual intimacy: it involves a understand about the imp

What is Marriage like within a Year?

On today’s blog we going to talk about what marriage is like within the first month and year. We all have expectations or ideas of what marriage would be like because of movies or Tv shows but in all reality, marriage almost always is not what is shown to us in movies or in Tv shows. Marriage within the first month can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be hard thing, because of the things you will have to learn to do within that first month and sometimes It can be a lot not only are you changing your whole routine but your normal will not be the normal you are used to but you will have an all new normal because that routine has added a new person. At times it can be hard because of new changes like changing your name, living with someone new, getting to learn what their individual habits are, what things they prefer and having to share a room with them, and you have to learn how to make decisions together Marriage can sometimes feel like everything is happening all at once

Dating and Hanging out. What's the difference?

Have you ever asked yourself what the difference is between dating and hanging out is? Well in today's blog we are discussing just that, we are going to define both hanging out and dating, we will talk about how each one has changed over time. Let's start with defining dating. So, what is dating? Dating is a stage of romance in which two individuals engage in an activity together and they both have romantic feeling towards one another. Have you ever wondering how dating has changed over the years? back then dating was built on communication, interaction, sense of humor, and meeting someone in a more natural way. Over time dating has changed and it is not exactly what it used to be. In the society today dating relies on technology and social media, if you think about it people look on social media and think they have an idea what dating really is or dating really looks like. People also tend to rely on dating apps such as tender and what not to meet someone instead of meeting so